Turn That Frown Upside Down
Music triggers memories and emotions. Some are near universal in the emotion department. Not always--personal experience can make the happiest song something that brings tears, and something oh-so-maudlin trigger giggles. Sometimes the joy is in sharing the song with others. Other times it's just enjoying it all on your own. But these prompts aren't about you or everyone.... they're about me. A song that makes you happy There are a lot of songs that make me smile. There are some that make me laugh. There are bunches that make me nostalgic in a good way. I can't even remember some of them until they randomly come up. Then it's all "OMG! I LOVE THIS SONG! SQUEEEE!" (And, yes, sometimes there is, indeed a "squeee" involved... I am not ashamed.) This particular one goes way back, but it recently came back big time thanks to a surprise hit of … Continue reading →