This’ll Never Get Used
Most music for me is distinct soundtrack fodder. I tend to take a narrative view of life, and that lends itself well to movie-like metaphors. Things happen in scenes and sequences. There's a thread that connects things (whether there actually is or not... y'know, it's in all in how you watch some movies). And, of course, there are musical numbers. Not a lot. Usually the soundtrack is in its proper place in the background, setting the feel and accentuating the action of the scene. Sometimes, though... sometimes things need to go just a little surreal to really be honest and true. This is one of those cases. A song you’d love to be played at your wedding Let me start right off by saying that the odds of this happening are somewhere between "slim" and "none." And before you get all "Awwwww... I'm sure you'll find someone..." let me also say … Continue reading →