That one? Again? Turn it up!
If you read the first post in this whole series, you know that I really don't consider myself a "music person." As such, I really don't listen to music a lot. I can go weeks without hearing more than just whatever other people are listening to on the bus. (Because, really, half of them don't use headphones and the other half have the music turned up so loud I can make out the lyrics.) Over the years, the only time I've heard music regularly is when I was driving around locally... and even that was mostly in 10-20 minutes hops. So this prompt gets a little tricky... A song you never get tired of The long and the short of it is: I don't listen to enough music to get tired of most songs, ever. There have been a few over the years that wore out their welcome for one reason or another. Usually because they were overplayed on the radio. In some … Continue reading →