Firewater and Such
If I were more punk, I'd say I'm pretty straight edge. But I'm nowhere near punk enough to get away with using that term anywhere real punks could hear it. So let's just say I don't drink and I don't smoke stuff. That's just how it's always been. I'm the one who remembers what goes on at parties. Everything that goes on. If I didn't have this moral compass of mine, I'm sure I'd be rolling in the dough... and probably have many fewer friends... and not getting invited to the interesting parties. Point being, this is another case of me appreciating songs and whatnot about stuff I don't partake of. A song about drugs or alcohol If you've heard any music ever, you know that there are no shortage of songs about drugs and alcohol. Throw relationships in there and you cover pretty much every song, ever... and some of them three times over. We all know … Continue reading →