Respect for Life
Sadness. Anger. Fear. All feelings we're far too familiar with these days. We're told again and again and again that we should be afraid of everything and everyone. Well, everyone who's different, at least. They're out to get us, we're told. We need to be vigilant and "if you see something, say something." They're monsters, seeking to destroy us, and the implied idea is that we should do it to them first. Terrorist seek to disrupt and destroy the lives of those who disagree with them. They're willing to die for their beliefs. There's not much that can be done against someone willing to die for what they believe in. Once someone's to that point, and ready to take action, there will be death and destruction. How do you deal with that? Some, especially right now, are calling for massive amounts of violence against thousands--if not millions--of people … Continue reading →