On Being Thankful



Figured I should do something vaguely related to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.

Of course, I’m keeping to this daily schedule by the skin of my teeth and I have a busy weekend coming up. Meaning, this is one of two videos I cranked out tonight.

It’s been a busy week–websites conspiring against me at the day job, other things going on after work a few times this week, and whole lot of TV to catch up on–so I’m not at all ahead of the game here. Running on less sleep than usual, too, just trying to get more stuff done.

But! I’m sticking with this production schedule and realized about halfway through shooting this one that I can pretty easily spin it out into a second video, too. (Not that I shot that one tonight… saving it for next Thursday and I need something for tomorrow.)

So, today I ramble on about the differences between being content, being happy, and being thankful. They’re a lot different than most people seem to think.

Don’t forget that you have some say over what goes on for the next 100 days… click the big green button below here to get to the page where you can submit topic suggestions and questions (so I know what kinds of things you want to see go on in these videos).

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