Half Way There!
Yeah, now all of you who grew up in the 80s have a Bon Jovi song stuck in your head. And I'm not at all sorry about that. If you're reading this, then we've both made it to the 50th installment of this vlog thing that I've been doing since September. While it may not make a difference if I make it or not, I have so far... so that reason to celebrate at least a little bit, right? This daily schedule is still a total bear. If I didn't lose an hour or so a day to commuting (and those other 8 or so hours to sitting in someone else's office) this would be a lot easier to pull off. As it is, all it takes is trying to keep up with other things I like (such as my TV shows and YouTube videos and reading) to keep this skating on the razor's edge of missing a day. I obviously consume too much to create like this on a daily basis. I'm still fighting the regular … Continue reading →