Different Goals, Different Tactics
When I set out to do this 100 day challenge of producing a vlog a day, the only real goal was to create. Once upon a time, I had intentions of doing a lot more with both blogs and vlogs. While ramping up for that (aborted) plan, I did a lot of reading and research about how to make those things actually work. And by "work" I mean "make enough money to live off of." There are a lot of sometimes conflicting bits of advice out there when it comes to such things. Three or four entire industries focus on different aspects of the problem of profitability. Some eschew the idea of profitability completely and tell you to look elsewhere to make a living (they're generally wrong... and trying to sell you something else). Vlogging and blogging are key tools in today's marketplace. Video content (of all types) is a huge asset to any company or … Continue reading →