Wherein Transportation Conspires Against Me
Yeah, something super-short today because there's no way, having gotten home after 10:30 p.m., I could have anything longer or more put together tonight. I did make it to tonight's film at the Spooky Movie Festival. I missed the first 10 minutes of it and didn't have a chance to eat until, uh, now, but I made it. I got out of work at my normal time (about 20 after 5-ish) and that first bus showed up as usual and got me to the Metro station. The train showed up and got me a few stops down to where I was supposed to catch the next bus to take me to AFI in Silver Spring. It's kind of an express bus, so it moves a little faster than the other route that goes to the same station. Well, the "other" route buses (yes, two in a row, at the same time) showed up late and I could have caught them. But, I figured, that other … Continue reading →