Just Running Around in the Woods
I'm often a little picky about the movies I see in the theater. I figure if I'm going out and paying to see something, it should be something I'm really interested in that I'll likely enjoy. But when there's a film festival things are a little different. Especially if I've gone and bought a full pass. Then I'll go and see pretty much anything. That's the situation tonight. After watching the trailer for Valley of the Sasquatch, I'd have been hard pressed to decide to see it if I hadn't already paid for the festival pass. I most certainly wouldn't have tried to dig up anyone to go see it with me. Maybe I'd have caught it on Netflix, eventually. (I've been surprised by movies before that I didn't think were going to be that good... notably, in this case, because they're similarly premised films, is Wendigo.) Needless to say, I … Continue reading →