A Matter of Taste
I've known for a long time that I've had odd tastes in entertainment. Compared to the sensibilities in my small town, they're downright weird. I like horror films and other fantastical genres. I like thinking deeply about those films (and TV shows and stories). Thing is... I don't fit in with a good hunk of the rest of the fans of the things I enjoy. I don't get quite as passionate about things as some. I'm much pickier about others. This becomes particularly clear when it comes to horror films. See, I actually like my horror films smart and scary (in general). Sure, I love Evil Dead 2 and thoroughly enjoy some schlock every now and then. But most low-budget horror-comedy? Don't much care for it. I was reminded of this when I saw Killer Rack the other night. I chuckled a few times, but mostly I just rolled my eyes and cringed. Other people in … Continue reading →