Something New for a Hundred Days
Despite outward appearances to the contrary, the last few years really haven't been all that great. For a while, I've been more than a bit lost. Just kind of drifting about, coasting on momentum built up in years past but, really, just running on fumes. It is, in a word, unpleasant. In a few more words: I'm not at all where I wanted to be in my life right now. In fact, due to this relatively recent lack of direction, I'm farther from where I want to be than I've ever been. Not much that I've tried has changed that at all... even less has changed it for the better. (At least in the arenas that matter most to me.) In an effort to get out of this stagnating rut, it's time to really get out of my comfort zone and try something else. Those of you who know me are likely aware that my "comfort zone" is pretty wide-ranging at this point. I … Continue reading →