A Hundred Eyes?
If I haven't made it clear enough, I purposefully don't have a lot of expectations for this 100 Days of Vlogging project. It's akin to just throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. If anything sticks really well, it may be something I do a lot more with. At the absolute least, it'll get things moving somewhere. That's what's really important to me. So, I'm not expecting (or, really, even wanting) to get "YouTube Famous" or rake in that shared ad revenue. I just want to get a bunch of content out there, get comfortable talking to an empty room with one soulless eye looking at me, and, in general, prove to myself that I can actually pull off something of this scale. What is the scale of this? If you're like most people, you've never really pulled together a video project of any size or complexity. I kind of wish I were that naive … Continue reading →